All in all I've learned that there is no excuse for not serving the Lord. When He calls, GO! You won't regret it and He will always provide a way!
Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all we ask or imagine, to HIM be the glory!"
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Hope for Honduras
A few weeks ago, eleven members of my church, my husband and I included, went to Honduras for a mission trip. This is an experience that cannot be put into words. If you had asked me eight months ago if I was willing to go out of the country for a mission trip, I would have said, "Absolutely Not!" Upon reading several books (Radical and Not a Fan) I have come to realize that my life is not even about me. The whole purpose of the breath I breathe is to declare God's glory and share Him with others. If I'm not doing that then my life is useless. I didn't want to be useless so when the opportunity came up for us to go on a mission trip, we jumped at the chance. Talk about a changed perspective!
Two people who were consumed with materials and stuff and doing their own thing (moving to the mountains and building a log home) have now become open-minded, open-hearted followers of God. That is a very difficult thing to describe, especially to others who are not followers. You can always tell a follower from a fan (read the book!!!). A fan questions why people are going on mission trips (esp during Christmas) but a follower is excited for you and wishes they could go with you. [There's one for the book Kyle Idleman].
Saturday, October 8, 2011
My Babylon
My husband and I are doing a bible study on Daniel with our closest friends. First, I can't think of anyone else I would rather study God's word with than my helpmate and my best friends. It is teaching me tons of new things about God, about His word, and about myself. Babylon is definitely evident in my life. Simple things such as going to Wal-Mart can turn into our own personal Babylon...from wanting this and abstaining from that.
I have recently learned that it is sometimes easier to just quit something that is of "Babylon" than to partake of it in moderation. I have been Coke-free (Coca-Cola, that is) since my birthday. I have certainly had some serious cravings for it...try eating Mexican or going to the movies without it. However, I say "no" just out of spite because I know I don't have the strength to just drink one every now and then.
I have found that my life, in general, is an overindulgence of not only Coke but anything and everything. I live in my own Babylon where I do as I please and get, get, get whatever I want. And I thought Coke was a problem! We are a society consumed with get what we want when we want it and how we want it. We are completely consumed with fast food, fast access, instant wonder we fail to wait on God to answer prayers. How did I get this way?
Earlier today, I went to hang out for a about an hour at a place where there was a kid who had a birthday party the week before. Both children in this family had announced that they didn't want birthday presents but for their friends and family to give money toward a charity they were raising money for. It was a very noble thing and I was so very proud of them both. I had missed the party because I was out of town but had intentions on giving to the charity. When it was time for me to go, one of the kids said, "Where's my birthday present?" With a puzzled look on my face I said, "I thought we were giving money for your chartiy?" He said, "no, I want a present!" I immediately thought of Babylon and wondered how we get into a mentality that we are intitled to "presents". I've spent much of the afternoon pondering how I would raise my children to think differently and to actually be truly giving. I spent much time wondering if I am actually truly giving and who is it for?
I tend to be an analyzer. Jason too. Sometimes this is an awful trait to own but when it comes to reflection on self, it is good. I find myself analyzing my fruit often and asking God for help with the not yet ripe fruit and sometimes spoiled fruit in my life basket. Much of what I've learned about God is that He is concerned with the fruit we DON'T have than the fruit that we do. I certainly don't want to be lacking in the fruit department when I meet Him. There is always something MORE I can be and it is sometimes frustrating, especially surrounded by Babylonians. Pride is sometimes my problem and needing a pat on the back. With God's help, I'm getting better at it. It is only by His strength that some things are done without my name being put on it. I don't want my name on it...I want HIS name on it. So, my prayer now is to turn from my Babylonian nature and turn my focus toward the true Jeruselum.
I have recently learned that it is sometimes easier to just quit something that is of "Babylon" than to partake of it in moderation. I have been Coke-free (Coca-Cola, that is) since my birthday. I have certainly had some serious cravings for it...try eating Mexican or going to the movies without it. However, I say "no" just out of spite because I know I don't have the strength to just drink one every now and then.
I have found that my life, in general, is an overindulgence of not only Coke but anything and everything. I live in my own Babylon where I do as I please and get, get, get whatever I want. And I thought Coke was a problem! We are a society consumed with get what we want when we want it and how we want it. We are completely consumed with fast food, fast access, instant wonder we fail to wait on God to answer prayers. How did I get this way?
Earlier today, I went to hang out for a about an hour at a place where there was a kid who had a birthday party the week before. Both children in this family had announced that they didn't want birthday presents but for their friends and family to give money toward a charity they were raising money for. It was a very noble thing and I was so very proud of them both. I had missed the party because I was out of town but had intentions on giving to the charity. When it was time for me to go, one of the kids said, "Where's my birthday present?" With a puzzled look on my face I said, "I thought we were giving money for your chartiy?" He said, "no, I want a present!" I immediately thought of Babylon and wondered how we get into a mentality that we are intitled to "presents". I've spent much of the afternoon pondering how I would raise my children to think differently and to actually be truly giving. I spent much time wondering if I am actually truly giving and who is it for?
I tend to be an analyzer. Jason too. Sometimes this is an awful trait to own but when it comes to reflection on self, it is good. I find myself analyzing my fruit often and asking God for help with the not yet ripe fruit and sometimes spoiled fruit in my life basket. Much of what I've learned about God is that He is concerned with the fruit we DON'T have than the fruit that we do. I certainly don't want to be lacking in the fruit department when I meet Him. There is always something MORE I can be and it is sometimes frustrating, especially surrounded by Babylonians. Pride is sometimes my problem and needing a pat on the back. With God's help, I'm getting better at it. It is only by His strength that some things are done without my name being put on it. I don't want my name on it...I want HIS name on it. So, my prayer now is to turn from my Babylonian nature and turn my focus toward the true Jeruselum.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Oh No!
I cannot believe it has been July since I have blogged. That is what happens when school starts back. Too much grading papers and lesson plans. I will get back to it soon!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Who is your Moses?
In studying Joshua 1 today, I came to realize that Joshua must have been the stuff to be the next leader behind Moses. Joshua was Moses' apprentice whom he trained to become a leader after his death. In reading about how Joshua began his new journey alone without his trainer, I began to think about who my Moses was. Who was training me and who do I look up to as my spiritual model? We all have people in the world whom we model ourselves even when we don't realize it.
Immediately when I read this scripture, my Moses came to mind. In recent months, my Christian walk has grown tremendously. I no longer look at things through the same lens mainly due to the example that a dear friend has set before me. While we have spent time together becoming closer as friends, she has probably never known that I have "watched" her life and learned from it a great deal. I have seen how she makes her quiet time an important part of her day, how she invites waitresses to share prayer requests before the blessing at the meal and how she discusses her sin aloud immediately when it is committed. I've come to realize that much of what is taught about Christ is not seen in a church building but in the everyday lives of Christians who are actually walking the walk.
So, now that you have possibly thought of your Moses, who is your Joshua? You know that if you have a Moses, then you must have a Joshua also. People are always watching you to see how you will react to things because they want to mimic after you. Do those who are watching you see God reflected in every area of your life? My prayer is that God will lead you to a trustworthy Moses and make you a good Joshua so that you can train to become the leader God already knows you are.
Immediately when I read this scripture, my Moses came to mind. In recent months, my Christian walk has grown tremendously. I no longer look at things through the same lens mainly due to the example that a dear friend has set before me. While we have spent time together becoming closer as friends, she has probably never known that I have "watched" her life and learned from it a great deal. I have seen how she makes her quiet time an important part of her day, how she invites waitresses to share prayer requests before the blessing at the meal and how she discusses her sin aloud immediately when it is committed. I've come to realize that much of what is taught about Christ is not seen in a church building but in the everyday lives of Christians who are actually walking the walk.
So, now that you have possibly thought of your Moses, who is your Joshua? You know that if you have a Moses, then you must have a Joshua also. People are always watching you to see how you will react to things because they want to mimic after you. Do those who are watching you see God reflected in every area of your life? My prayer is that God will lead you to a trustworthy Moses and make you a good Joshua so that you can train to become the leader God already knows you are.
Sand Dollar Testimony (written 7/15/2011)
Praise God!!!
As I sit on the white sandy beach feeling the wind through my hair and the rays of sun on my skin when the clouds break from their dense communion, I ponder on the verse, “my soul is consumed with longing.”(Ps 119:20) I gaze out over the vast ocean and see an endless sky and long to be just that: “consumed with longing.”
Thinking on my Christian walk, I question if I have actually ever “longed” for God much less been consumed with that longing. I push my feet deeper into the sand to feel the coolness on my feet as I watch the waves crash faithfully on the shore. It is settings such as these that make me yearn for more of Him. I ask myself, “How can anyone not believe in a God who created this?”
Looking up I see a wave runner go by in the distance and fondly remember the great adventures and blessings of yesterday. I remember how God stayed the rains to unfold a beautifully fulfilled afternoon of ocean exploration. I have heard many ask, “How can a God of mercy and love condemn people to an eternity in Hell?” That question was clearly answered to me yesterday. Tammy, Teri, and I took wave runners out into the choppy seas and experienced things we had never experienced before. Tammy had never driven a wave runner, especially in the ocean. Some of the ride was spent airborne as we jumped high rolling waves one after the other. (Did I mention I was a passenger and holding on for dear life?) We followed our guide to an area frequented by dolphins. Amazing creatures! Teri jumped right in and swam with them. What a blessing! Our last destination was off the shore of Shell Island where we swam in search of sand dollars. Talk about amazing! To be surrounded by the most wonderful people AND to get to experience God’s awesome fifth day creations was a phenomenal encounter. Can you really look at something such as a hermit crab or sand dollar and not see a creative God; A unique and truly amazing God? I examined the fine hair-like features on the sand dollar and the intricate pattern formed on its back. To consider that God took the time to mold this creature into its own distinctive existence confirms to me that I mean even more to Him. I am so much more important to Him that I am God-breathed and made in His image.
We sit and proclaim how beautiful the water is and how lovely the sand feels beneath our feet yet we forget the God who created each grain of sand and who controls each crash of the ocean’s waves. We are simply content to sit and sun and read without even a mere acknowledgment of the God whose presence so obviously surrounds us.
So I don’t think the question, “How could a loving and merciful God condemn someone to an eternity in Hell” is correct. The question should be, “How could a God-breathed, intelligent and loved people not praise Him for the daily reminders of Him that surround them?”
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Acknowledge HIS Name
"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name." Psalm 91:14
Acknowledging His name is all it takes to be rescued from the fire pit, right?
Last night, Jason and I conversed about what it means to be saved and have salvation. Much of this conversation stemmed from a sermon previously taught by a close friend of ours, Jonathan Haefs ( The topic of interest was also ventured to because of a recent encounter in Jason's daytime activities. This turned our thoughts to what salvation looks like in someone. This began us thinking about our own lives and our witness to others, as well as an examination of our family and their relationship with our Lord; people in our family who are clearly lost.
The question that surfaced was "Where's your fruit?" We took a long hard look at our own lives to see if we were a daily example of Galatians 5:22 (But the fruit of the spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). It is a very humbling experience to examine yourself against the scripture to see if you measure up. That is something we should do daily and not just to be able to say, "well I've got this fruit or that fruit" but in reality to be able to gut-check ourselves and see the fruit that we DON'T exhibit.
People mistakenly believe that if they walked the aisle and filled out a card when they were young, that they are saved and will go to Heaven. It is awesome if you accept Christ but what do you do with Him once He is living in you? It doesn't just stop at the altar and the baptismal pool. It is a LIFELONG journey where you constantly must examine yourself against the ultimate standard: Jesus Christ. You, of course, will never measure up to Jesus but He is the standard to follow and strive toward.
Have you ever sat and thought about why you are here or the purpose of living? Maybe it is to go to school, get a good job, have a family, have a good life, and then die. Or maybe it is like many of the men of Genesis 5 where they lived, had children, and died. Sounds like a drag to me. Surely there is an ultimate purpose. Certainly there is more to life than just living and dying. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble" 1 Corinthians 10:31 The reason we breathe, move, and live is to bring glory to God Almighty! So, as Christians our daily goal should be to glorify God in everything that we do.
As believers we should not cause others to stumble either. That really hit home with me. You want to know if you are saved...examine your fruit and see if your actions could cause someone else to fall into sin. Can you cause someone to not yearn for God because they see you drinking an alcoholic beverage? Can your foul language cause someone else to begin to speak filthy or will your temper cause a negative attitude in others? Can your lack of attendance at church make someone else believe that they don't need God at all? Could your gossip bring shame to your God?
A friend recently said, "If my life is not useful or brings shame to God, I pray that He just go ahead and take me home." What a prayer! I asked myself if I have enough gumption to say that. I hope that my life is a reflection of the lyrics of Lifesong by Casting Crowns. "May the words I say and the things I do; Make my lifesong sing; Bring a smile to you." I pray that I am able to lose myself in bringing Him praise. To be consumed and reflect the image of Christ not only on the inside but in everything I do and say. To project His glory and His majesty should be our life goal!
So, want to know if you are saved? HOW'S YOUR FRUIT? If you really acknowledged His name then your fruit will reflect your salvation.
Acknowledging His name is all it takes to be rescued from the fire pit, right?
Last night, Jason and I conversed about what it means to be saved and have salvation. Much of this conversation stemmed from a sermon previously taught by a close friend of ours, Jonathan Haefs ( The topic of interest was also ventured to because of a recent encounter in Jason's daytime activities. This turned our thoughts to what salvation looks like in someone. This began us thinking about our own lives and our witness to others, as well as an examination of our family and their relationship with our Lord; people in our family who are clearly lost.
The question that surfaced was "Where's your fruit?" We took a long hard look at our own lives to see if we were a daily example of Galatians 5:22 (But the fruit of the spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). It is a very humbling experience to examine yourself against the scripture to see if you measure up. That is something we should do daily and not just to be able to say, "well I've got this fruit or that fruit" but in reality to be able to gut-check ourselves and see the fruit that we DON'T exhibit.
People mistakenly believe that if they walked the aisle and filled out a card when they were young, that they are saved and will go to Heaven. It is awesome if you accept Christ but what do you do with Him once He is living in you? It doesn't just stop at the altar and the baptismal pool. It is a LIFELONG journey where you constantly must examine yourself against the ultimate standard: Jesus Christ. You, of course, will never measure up to Jesus but He is the standard to follow and strive toward.
Have you ever sat and thought about why you are here or the purpose of living? Maybe it is to go to school, get a good job, have a family, have a good life, and then die. Or maybe it is like many of the men of Genesis 5 where they lived, had children, and died. Sounds like a drag to me. Surely there is an ultimate purpose. Certainly there is more to life than just living and dying. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble" 1 Corinthians 10:31 The reason we breathe, move, and live is to bring glory to God Almighty! So, as Christians our daily goal should be to glorify God in everything that we do.
As believers we should not cause others to stumble either. That really hit home with me. You want to know if you are saved...examine your fruit and see if your actions could cause someone else to fall into sin. Can you cause someone to not yearn for God because they see you drinking an alcoholic beverage? Can your foul language cause someone else to begin to speak filthy or will your temper cause a negative attitude in others? Can your lack of attendance at church make someone else believe that they don't need God at all? Could your gossip bring shame to your God?
A friend recently said, "If my life is not useful or brings shame to God, I pray that He just go ahead and take me home." What a prayer! I asked myself if I have enough gumption to say that. I hope that my life is a reflection of the lyrics of Lifesong by Casting Crowns. "May the words I say and the things I do; Make my lifesong sing; Bring a smile to you." I pray that I am able to lose myself in bringing Him praise. To be consumed and reflect the image of Christ not only on the inside but in everything I do and say. To project His glory and His majesty should be our life goal!
So, want to know if you are saved? HOW'S YOUR FRUIT? If you really acknowledged His name then your fruit will reflect your salvation.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Unexpected Times and Places
like it is and keep you on the straight and narrow are very hard to find and once you find them you never want to part from them. I have come to appreciate the plethora of people God has placed in my path and who have become my very best buddies. These people are the ones, like David and Jonathan, whose souls are knit with mine and I love them as myself (1 Sam 18:1) So to my friends I say thank you. Thank you for your love, your guidance, your knowledge and wisdom, your shoulder to lean on, your laughter and quality time spent, and your unending direction as you push me toward Christ daily. I am eternally grateful and I love you very much!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Ellijay With Friends
We planned months back to spend a long weekend with some great friends of ours (The Haefs). The trip began with a four and a half hour drive from Albany to Ellijay then got more interesting as we camped on our mountain land in the woods. Jason, Holly, Jonathan and myself slept in hammocks both nights then Joseph and Amy joined us the next night and slept on the floor of the cabin because the air mattress had a hole in it. Bathing in the creek was very interesting in the FREEZING spring water. J&H went in one direction and we went in another.
We went hiking on the Mills Creek Trail where we swam in some also FREEZING water. The trail book forgot to mention that on this EASY to MODERATE trail we would first have to scale a 50 foot drop straight down. However, once down there we had a blast at the waterfall and swinging on the rope swing.
Our days consisted of hours of play on the Cartecay River kayaking the class II and III rapids. Today in particular was the best day ever on the river. Holly gained lots of confidence on the rapids and Jonathan was fearless! I think we've caused an addiction for them now. Afterward we visited Starbucks for my first White Chocolate Mocha and I have to say that it was AWESOME and I am now addicted (thanks Holly)! I might not go to sleep tonight! The rest of the evening consists of homemade ice cream with lots of toppings, Super Mario Bros on Wii and possibly a movie. The Starbucks is suppose to keep us up for a while but I'm not sure it is working for Holly.
Tomorrow we are headed home to celebrate July 4th with my other favorites (Teri and Tony). Teri is cooking supper then we are watching some fireworks with Charis, Levi, and the Mackeys.
I love awesome times with great people making memories and creating lots of inside jokes.
We went hiking on the Mills Creek Trail where we swam in some also FREEZING water. The trail book forgot to mention that on this EASY to MODERATE trail we would first have to scale a 50 foot drop straight down. However, once down there we had a blast at the waterfall and swinging on the rope swing.
Our days consisted of hours of play on the Cartecay River kayaking the class II and III rapids. Today in particular was the best day ever on the river. Holly gained lots of confidence on the rapids and Jonathan was fearless! I think we've caused an addiction for them now. Afterward we visited Starbucks for my first White Chocolate Mocha and I have to say that it was AWESOME and I am now addicted (thanks Holly)! I might not go to sleep tonight! The rest of the evening consists of homemade ice cream with lots of toppings, Super Mario Bros on Wii and possibly a movie. The Starbucks is suppose to keep us up for a while but I'm not sure it is working for Holly.
Tomorrow we are headed home to celebrate July 4th with my other favorites (Teri and Tony). Teri is cooking supper then we are watching some fireworks with Charis, Levi, and the Mackeys.
I love awesome times with great people making memories and creating lots of inside jokes.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
SC2011 going covert!
To God be the glory for the things He has done!
Although our journey in Christ began many years ago, it seems that He is drawing us closer and closer everyday. What a journey it is! He is allowing us to step out of our comfort zones and live for Him daily instead of the selfish lives we did live.
God has changed our perspective on EVERYTHING: where we live, what we drive, the money we spend, how we name it, it has changed. God calls us to serve Him for His glory not our own. It is a hard concept to grasp especially when we look around and see that the world is full of SELF. Our daily prayer is to remove self and be consumed with Jesus!

This past week was full of new experiences. Jason and I have both always helped out with the high school students in the youth group so when it was brought up to me to lead the middle school girls for summer camp, I prayed a two second prayer then said "yes!" Yes it was out of my usual box that I am used to being in but God allowed me to get to know some AWESOME girls and learn from those girls! I learned some new lessons about worship and service!
Jason has bloomed TONS in the last two weeks. To watch him grow in Christ is amazing. It is literally like watching a flower unfold before my eyes. What a leader he has become...a very strong spiritual leader! Not to mention the surprising introduction of Billy Bob Leroy Jr III or "Bubba" for short to the youth group this week...and not just to the youth, but to the ENTIRE church body. Can you see him in this group picture in the red shirt? HILARIOUS!
WE ARE NOW GOING COVERT!!! Come go covert with us! Serving God and others and not telling anyone about it is how I believe God intended us to serve. Don't be a Pharisee! Do something nice for someone and don't let them know you did it.
Although our journey in Christ began many years ago, it seems that He is drawing us closer and closer everyday. What a journey it is! He is allowing us to step out of our comfort zones and live for Him daily instead of the selfish lives we did live.
God has changed our perspective on EVERYTHING: where we live, what we drive, the money we spend, how we name it, it has changed. God calls us to serve Him for His glory not our own. It is a hard concept to grasp especially when we look around and see that the world is full of SELF. Our daily prayer is to remove self and be consumed with Jesus!
This past week was full of new experiences. Jason and I have both always helped out with the high school students in the youth group so when it was brought up to me to lead the middle school girls for summer camp, I prayed a two second prayer then said "yes!" Yes it was out of my usual box that I am used to being in but God allowed me to get to know some AWESOME girls and learn from those girls! I learned some new lessons about worship and service!
Jason has bloomed TONS in the last two weeks. To watch him grow in Christ is amazing. It is literally like watching a flower unfold before my eyes. What a leader he has become...a very strong spiritual leader! Not to mention the surprising introduction of Billy Bob Leroy Jr III or "Bubba" for short to the youth group this week...and not just to the youth, but to the ENTIRE church body. Can you see him in this group picture in the red shirt? HILARIOUS!
WE ARE NOW GOING COVERT!!! Come go covert with us! Serving God and others and not telling anyone about it is how I believe God intended us to serve. Don't be a Pharisee! Do something nice for someone and don't let them know you did it.
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