This past Thursday, I assigned a project to my Physics students where they are required to make an iMovie in order to explain a certain topic to their peers. So, as every students dreads, I assigned who would be in their groups.
Being that I am 4 months pregnant and it was the last class of the day, my temper was not nearly as long as I would have liked for it to have been. I tried to ignore the moaning and groaning about having to be split up from friends but enough was enough. I ended up saying in the tone inherited from my father, "Look! Your group members are NOT going to change so stop the whining about it and get over it! Let's all put on our big boy and big girl pants and do what we have to do!" I am not a force to be reckoned with so everybody straightened up and got into their groups...well, almost everybody. There is always one, right? One of my students, Julie (names have been changed) decided she was NOT going to work in her group and exclaimed that through the classroom. If you know me at all, you know I don't tolerate disrespect, ESPECIALLY after I have already corrected you once (yes, this is a trait from my father yet again...I learned it well after back talking and such most of my teenage years). So, I gave Julie a choice: she could close her mouth and work with her partners without punishment right now or she could get out of my classroom and see an administrator and explain why she is being uncooperative. She chose the latter and exited my classroom...only to return 5 minutes later stating that the administrator couldn't see her.

Julie finally informed me that there was a girl in her group, Abby, that she couldn't work with because they didn't get along. Abby wasn't even in school that day. I was livid! I said, "Are you telling me that you are making a big ordeal over someone who isn't even here today? You're kidding me! You need to get over there and work with your other partner and get started. We will discuss this later!" By the end of the class period, after fuming over the situation, I had decided that Julie was working with Abby no matter what. I wasn't going to tolerate disrespect and she needed to learn the lesson that sometimes we have to work with people we don't like. When the bell rang, Julie slipped out before I could inform her of my decision.
That night, I went to bed thinking, "Maybe that isn't the best way to handle that situation." The next morning, Friday, I sat down to do my quiet time and prayed that God would show me how handle it all. I asked for wisdom and for Him to show me what to do and what to say. I didn't even get finished with my prayer before He gave me the word "MERCY." I said, "Really, God? That was not at all what I was thinsking. I want to be stern and show her who's boss." Then He guided my eyes down to my wrist which read, "It's not about me." OKAY, I GET IT!!!
Seventh period came and it was slightly chaotic since I had students from other classes in there trying to finish quizzes and everyone getting the materials they needed for their projects. After settling everyone down, I asked Julie to come into the hall for a moment. Abby was present today, by the way. In the hall, I asked Julie what the issue was yesterday. She explained that she and Abby just don't get along. They have had issues for a while now and they just don't like one another. I told her that in my quiet time and prayer time that morning I prayed for her and for Abby and for resolve to the situation. I stopped for a moment and reminded her that I was a Christian and I asked if she was okay with me going on. She said she was a Christian too and that it was fine. So, I told her that God immediately gave me the word
mercy in my prayer. I asked if she knew what mercy meant and she said she thought she did. I asked if she knew what grace is. She said, "Grace comes from God. God's Grace!"

What happened from then on was completely God! These were the words that came out, "God sometimes gives us things we don't deserve but sometimes He doesn't give us things that we DO deserve. For instance, you deserved to be written up for your outburst, disruption, and disrespect from yesterday but I'm not going to do that. That is mercy. I am also going to give you the choice to work with your partners or work alone on your project. You don't deserve to have the choice to get to work alone but I am giving it to you anyway. That is grace. What kind of Christian would I be if I don't actually show you who Christ is in my life? I want you to see that it is real but more importantly, if you are Christian, I want you to live it as well. That is what it means to be a Christian; you are a "little Christ." Now if God extends mercy and grace to you and I and I in turn extend it to you, what do you think you should do?" Julie said, "I should show it to someone else." I replied, "Don't you think it would be a really cool story and a really cool way to show that you are a Christian if you turned this awful situation into something awesome? What if you forget the years of dislike and arguing and you mended the fences with Abby? Would that not be a really cool God story?" She didn't say anything but nodded. Julie thought for a second and said, "I understand." I told her that I wanted her to take 5-10 minutes when she went back into the classroom to think about what she wanted to do: work with the group or work alone. I would not hold it against her, whatever her decision but she needed to come tell me what she decides.
She went back into the class and sat at the desk for a few minutes. After about 5 minutes, she came up to me and said, "I am going to work with my group." I found it hard not to cry. She walked over to Abby and began talking to her and they decided that who was going to do what part in the project. They then started working. I later got the chance to talk with Abby and inform her that being in the group was Julie's choice and she looked very surprised. Before Julie left, I gave her a huge hug and told her I was VERY proud of her.
God is truly awesome and His ways and not our ways. I pray that He continues to mend the relationship between Julie and Abby and that Julie can live out what she believes. Thank you God for living in me. I don't deserve your mercy or your grace but I am SO thankful for it.