I've heard many people say, "I just don't have time to do everything that I need to get done in a day." So, if you had just one more hour everyday, would you then do what NEEDED to be done or would you really just continue on the path you are on and fill that hour with one more fleeting thing. I often feel as if I am filling my day with mundane activities that, in the big scheme of things, don't really matter anyway. I am so focused on going here and doing this until at the end of the day it has been filled full of this and that and none of it furthered the kingdom of God.
It is amazing the things that we MAKE time for! We get up at 6:30 a.m. in the morning EVERYDAY to get ready and be at work by 8:00a.m. yet we can't get to Sunday School at all. Some will even wake up to be at the gym by 5:30a.m. three days a week but we can't get motivated enough to attend church by 10:30 or 11:00a.m one day a week. We fill our days with ample T.V. watching and computer playing yet we don't pick up our Bible to read the HOLY WORD OF GOD for more than 15 minutes or at all!!! (As if a mindless few hours of entertainment can compare!)
The issue that lies here is not with unbelievers either. I am referring to believers who have misplaced passions. We are passionate about football in the fall, about a particular movie coming out in the summer, or about getting fit and healthy but when do we get passionate about serving, worshiping, or learning about God? When do we stop making lame excuses for our actions and realize that we are making a huge choice? What we are basically choosing to say is that our time is too important to spend doing something for God's kingdom but instead it is better spent by furthering our own kingdom. OUCH! Reality bites!
What do you choose? Do you choose to continue doing what you've always done because that seems to be working out great so far (sense the sarcasm?) Or do you ask God to give you a passion for Him, a desire to read His Word and give more time to Him daily? Those who seek Him with all their hearts will surely find Him. It doesn't seem like a hard decision to make yet it is a hard one to commit to....if you are for real! God never said that when you became a Christian you would be able to do what you wanted...He said to glorify Him and die to yourself daily. I'm pretty sure living for myself isn't included in that!
So I challenge you to give up something that doesn't mean anything and replace it with something that glorifies God. It won't be easy but it will be well worth the sacrifice.
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