Recently, some friends of ours have gotten us very interested in the game called Settlers of Catan. Highly addictive, I might add. It is a game where you settle in areas to gain resources so that you gain points. The first to 10 points wins.
Lately, it has been more of a spiritual lesson than anything. One particular game, the four of us were playing as usual...I must add that a previous game proceeded by me taking a place where my husband wanted to settle, however we were both headed in to the same place. Whoever got there first and had the resources, settled there. I got there first. Needless to say, it wasn't good. He was quite angry.
In a more recent game, the tables were turned. Everyone placed their pieces. I chose to settle near 2 sheep colonies which would only require 2 roads to get to a sheep port. (A port allows you to trade resources for others). Having the sheep port would allow me a leg up and create endless possibilities for me since I would have tons of sheep. In the start of the game everyone gets to place two settlements anywhere so one of mine was the sheep area near the sheep port. My husband's turn came and where does he choose to settle? Yep, right ON the sheep port so I couldn't get it now. I was livid! We chose our other settlements and the game began. My attitude was already stinky.
It was very comical to everyone else at first but then it changed the mood of the game and made it not was only after crushing me did he feel remorse (about 3 min later). I do have to add that I won the game anyway.
How often to we proclaim that very thing to God? "I love you God but I'd rather hang on to this sin instead of serve you." "I'd rather be doing my own thing that on the path you want me on." "I'd rather be comfortable in my bubble rather than obey you."
Our Christian walk must be an intentional one. We have to be intentional about giving grace...intentional about forgiveness...intentional about showing love and kindness...intentional about removing pride...intentional about not being critical toward everything...even in a silly game. It's in the silly everyday stuff that we gain experience for when we have to use it in the BIG things.
Although we proclaim with our mouths our goals ("I love you!") we then do the opposite (cut me off).
That is a great example of the walk of many Christians. We proclaim with our mouths that God is Lord of everything and we follow Him but truthfully money, power, success, work, and busyness are our Lord. Rick Burgess said it best, "We don't always live what we profess but we will undeniably live what we believe." Whoa! Taking a look at my life, what do I believe? What does my everyday life say I believe? What does my game of Settlers say I believe? SMACK!!!
God quickly taught me about forgiveness, grace, and pride. Turn the other cheek has a new meaning (Matthew 5:39) or at least a new application for me. He also taught us that "cutting off" others and trying to get ahead by any means necessary instead of following God's way of doing things will never allow you to win. Everyone who tries to step on others Settlers and in life.
We haven't stopped playing Settlers of Catan. We now play the "biblical" version where we give resources freely to those who need them and don't intentionally steal areas where others are going. Being a Christian is a 24/7 thing and must be lived out in everything we do. EVERYTHING!
Your blog another way to "give resources freely". Thank you for sharing this and reminding us that words of the mouth are useless without action! :)